How SuperAnnotate helped Percepto cut the time to complete annotation projects by 60%

3 min readOct 14, 2020



Percepto is a leading provider of autonomous drone-in-a-box solutions for monitoring and securing critical infrastructure and industrial sites. Our advanced, AI-based software provides real-time insights, aiding our customers to assess risk, minimize downtime, drive efficiency, and reduce operational costs without human intervention. Tested in all weather conditions, it is the most rugged platform available today.

Industry: Drones, Aerial Imagery

The Problem

Percepto, the most deployed drone-in-a-box solution with Fortune 500 customers, was looking for a platform to allow them to scale their annotation infrastructure alongside their rapidly growing business.

The Solution: A Platform That Does it All

The Percepto team looked at a number of different annotation platforms, but found them complicated to use or lacking the necessary features to scale their annotation practice. Ultimately, they selected SuperAnnotate for its best-in-class speed and robust project management features. “We wanted a platform that does it all; easily upload data, send it to relevant annotators, get results, quantify their working hours, all while being lightning-fast and allowing us to build high-quality training data,” said Inbal Gamliel, Data Specialist at Percepto. “Superannotate answered all of these and even more. Our annotators especially love the ‘smart segmentation’ feature. Also, our company has different projects and some are quite complicated, but SuperAnnotate makes it possible to find new ways to annotate those difficult projects.”

The Results: Scalable Infrastructure and Lightning-fast Annotations

For Percepto, SuperAnnotate’s annotation acceleration and robust project management features helped cut the time to complete annotation projects by 60%. “Past annotation jobs took us a week to get results, now it’s a matter of 2–3 days,” Gamliel noted. “The platform is very easy to understand and use and training time for new annotators is shorter than with our previous systems. That used to take weeks and now only takes a matter of days too.”

SuperAnnotate also helped Percepto find and manage skilled outsourced annotation teams on the platform. “Finding new annotation teams to work with is very easy through the SuperAnnotate platform and communicating back and forth with our annotations is super easy on the platform as well,” Gamliel stated. “Also, since the annotators were using SuperAnnotate, they were able to work incredibly quickly and deliver high-quality annotations much faster than before.”

Percepto was able to implement the scalable annotation infrastructure they were looking for, find high-quality outsourced annotation teams, and get lightning-fast annotations all by using SuperAnnotate.

Key Outcomes:

  • Annotation project timelines reduced by 60%
  • Training annotators reduced from weeks to a matter of days
  • Accelerated pixel-accurate annotations with smart segmentation
  • Dramatically improved project management: user roles, data transfer, communication with annotators, detailed project analytics
  • Find skilled outsourced annotation teams to deliver high-quality annotations faster

Originally published at




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